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Data manipulation endpoints

In this section we will give more details on the endpoints /v1/metadata_text and v1/split_text

/v1/metadata_text (POST)

Returns the number of tokens of a text and indicates the part that would be truncated if too long. Note that this endpoint uses the special version of the tokenizer provided by happy_vLLM (more details here). The format of the input is as follows:

  "text": "Hey, how are you ?",
  "truncation_side": "left",
  "max_length": 2
  • text: The text we want to analyze
  • truncation_side: The side of the truncation. This keyword is optional and the default value is the one of the tokenizer which can be obtained for example via the /v1/info endpoint
  • max_length: The maximal length of the string before the truncation acts. This keyword is optional and the default value is the max_model_len of the model which can be obtained for example via the /v1/info endpoint

The format of the output is as follows:

  "tokens_nb": 6,
  "truncated_text": "Hey, how are"
  • tokens_nb: The number of tokens in the given text
  • truncated_text: The part of the text which would be truncated

/v1/split_text (POST)

Splits a text in chunks. You can specify a minimal number of tokens present in each chunk. Each chunk will be delimited by separators you can specify.

The format of the input is as follows:

  "text": "Hey, how are you ? I am clearly fine. And you ? Exceptionally good, thanks for asking.",
  "num_tokens_in_chunk": 4,
  "separators": [".", "!", "?", "|", " .", " !", " ?", " |"]
  • text: The text to split
  • num_tokens_in_chunk: The minimal number of tokens you want in a chunk. The keyword is optional, the default value is 200.
  • separators: The list of separators which can separate the chunks. Note that they should be corresponding to tokens of the tokenizer. That's why it might be a good practice, depending on the specific tokenizer, to include a space in the separator (such as this : ?). This keyword is optional. The default value is [".", "!", "?", "|", " .", " !", " ?", " |"]

The format of the output is as follows:

  "split_text": [
    "Hey, how are you ?",
    " I am clearly fine.",
    " And you ? Exceptionaly good, thanks for asking."
  • split_text: The list of chunks obtained by splitting the text. Note that in this example, in the last chunk, even though " ?" is a separator, it was not split in two since " And you ?" is less than 4 tokens.