Reloads a model from its configuration and "standalones" files
- /! Experimental /! -
configuration_path (str): Path to configuration file
sklearn_pipeline_path (str): Path to standalone pipeline
preprocess_pipeline_path (str): Path to preprocess pipeline
ValueError: If configuration_path is None
ValueError: If sklearn_pipeline_path is None
ValueError: If preprocess_pipeline_path is None
FileNotFoundError: If the object configuration_path is not an existing file
FileNotFoundError: If the object sklearn_pipeline_path is not an existing file
FileNotFoundError: If the object preprocess_pipeline_path is not an existing file
Source code in template_num/models_training/regressors/models_sklearn/
| def reload_from_standalone(self, **kwargs) -> None:
'''Reloads a model from its configuration and "standalones" files
- /!\\ Experimental /!\\ -
configuration_path (str): Path to configuration file
sklearn_pipeline_path (str): Path to standalone pipeline
preprocess_pipeline_path (str): Path to preprocess pipeline
ValueError: If configuration_path is None
ValueError: If sklearn_pipeline_path is None
ValueError: If preprocess_pipeline_path is None
FileNotFoundError: If the object configuration_path is not an existing file
FileNotFoundError: If the object sklearn_pipeline_path is not an existing file
FileNotFoundError: If the object preprocess_pipeline_path is not an existing file
# Retrieve args
configuration_path = kwargs.get('configuration_path', None)
sklearn_pipeline_path = kwargs.get('sklearn_pipeline_path', None)
preprocess_pipeline_path = kwargs.get('preprocess_pipeline_path', None)
# Checks
if configuration_path is None:
raise ValueError("The argument configuration_path can't be None")
if sklearn_pipeline_path is None:
raise ValueError("The argument sklearn_pipeline_path can't be None")
if preprocess_pipeline_path is None:
raise ValueError("The argument preprocess_pipeline_path can't be None")
if not os.path.exists(configuration_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {configuration_path} does not exist")
if not os.path.exists(sklearn_pipeline_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {sklearn_pipeline_path} does not exist")
if not os.path.exists(preprocess_pipeline_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The file {preprocess_pipeline_path} does not exist")
# Load confs
with open(configuration_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
configs = json.load(f)
# Set class vars
# self.model_name = # Keep the created name
# self.model_dir = # Keep the created folder
self.nb_fit = configs.get('nb_fit', 1) # Consider one unique fit by default
self.trained = configs.get('trained', True) # Consider trained by default
# Try to read the following attributes from configs and, if absent, keep the current one
for attribute in ['model_type', 'x_col', 'y_col', 'columns_in', 'mandatory_columns',
setattr(self, attribute, configs.get(attribute, getattr(self, attribute)))
# Reload pipeline model
with open(sklearn_pipeline_path, 'rb') as f:
self.pipeline = pickle.load(f)
# Reload pipeline elements
self.elasticnet = self.pipeline['elasticnet']
# Reload pipeline preprocessing
with open(preprocess_pipeline_path, 'rb') as f:
self.preprocess_pipeline = pickle.load(f)