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Model pipeline


Bases: ModelClass

Generic model for sklearn pipeline

Source code in template_num/models_training/
class ModelPipeline(ModelClass):
    '''Generic model for sklearn pipeline'''

    _default_name = 'model_pipeline'

    # Not implemented :
    # -> reload_from_standalone

    def __init__(self, pipeline: Union[Pipeline, None] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
        '''Class initialization (see ModelClass for more arguments)

            pipeline (Pipeline): Pipeline to use
        # Init.

        # Get logger (must be done after super init)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Manage model (to implement for children class)
        self.pipeline = pipeline

    def fit(self, x_train, y_train, **kwargs) -> None:
        '''Trains the model
           **kwargs permits compatibility with Keras model
            x_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            y_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
            RuntimeError: If the model is already fitted
            ValueError: If the type of model is not classifier or regressor
        if self.trained:
            self.logger.error("We can't train again a pipeline sklearn model")
            self.logger.error("Please train a new model")
            raise RuntimeError("We can't train again a pipeline sklearn model")

        # We check input format
        x_train, y_train = self._check_input_format(x_train, y_train, fit_function=True)

        if self.model_type == 'classifier':
            self._fit_classifier(x_train, y_train, **kwargs)
        elif self.model_type == 'regressor':
            self._fit_regressor(x_train, y_train, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError(f"The model type ({self.model_type}) must be 'classifier' or 'regressor'")

    def _fit_classifier(self, x_train, y_train, **kwargs) -> None:
        '''Training of a model of model type classifier
           **kwargs permits compatibility with Keras model
            x_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            y_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
        # We "only" check if no multi-classes multi-labels (which can't be managed by most SKLEARN pipelines)
        if self.multi_label:
            df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(y_train)
            for col in df_tmp:
                uniques = df_tmp[col].unique()
                if len(uniques) > 2:
                    self.logger.warning(' - /!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\ - ')
                    self.logger.warning("Most sklearn pipelines can't manage multi-classes/multi-labels")
                    self.logger.warning(' - /!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\/!\\ - ')
                    # We "let" the process crash by itself

        # Fit pipeline, y_train)

        # Set list classes
        if not self.multi_label:
            self.list_classes = list(self.pipeline.classes_)
            if hasattr(y_train, 'columns'):
                self.list_classes = list(y_train.columns)
                    "Can't read the name of the columns of y_train -> inverse transformation won't be possible"
                # We still create a list of classes in order to be compatible with other functions
                self.list_classes = [str(_) for _ in range(pd.DataFrame(y_train).shape[1])]

        # Set dict_classes based on list classes
        self.dict_classes = {i: col for i, col in enumerate(self.list_classes)}

        # Set trained
        self.trained = True
        self.nb_fit += 1

    def _fit_regressor(self, x_train, y_train, **kwargs) -> None:
        '''Training of a regressor model
           **kwargs permits compatibility with Keras model
            x_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            y_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
        # Fit pipeline, y_train)

        # Set trained
        self.trained = True
        self.nb_fit += 1

    def predict(self, x_test: pd.DataFrame, return_proba: bool = False, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        '''Predictions on test set

            x_test (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the test data to be predicted
            return_proba (bool): If the function should return the probabilities instead of the classes (Keras compatibility)
            ValueError: If the model is not classifier and return_proba=True
            (np.ndarray): Array
                # If not return_proba, shape = [n_samples,] or [n_samples, n_classes]
                # Else, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]
        # Manage errors
        if return_proba is True and self.model_type != 'classifier':
            raise ValueError(f"Models of the type {self.model_type} can't handle probabilities")

        # We check input format
        x_test, _ = self._check_input_format(x_test)

        if not return_proba:
            return np.array(self.pipeline.predict(x_test))
            return self.predict_proba(x_test)

    def predict_proba(self, x_test: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        '''Predicts the probabilities on the test set - Classifier only

            x_test (pd.DataFrame): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            ValueError: If model not classifier
            (np.ndarray): Array, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]
        if self.model_type != 'classifier':
            raise ValueError(f"Models of type {self.model_type} do not implement the method predict_proba")

        # We check input format
        x_test, _ = self._check_input_format(x_test)

        probas = np.array(self.pipeline.predict_proba(x_test))
        # Very specific fix: in some cases, with OvR, strategy, all estimators return 0, which generates a division per 0 when normalizing
        # Hence, we replace NaNs with 1 / nb_classes
        if not np.isnan(probas).any():
            probas = np.nan_to_num(probas, nan=1/len(self.list_classes))

        # If use of MultiOutputClassifier ->  returns probabilities of 0 and 1 for all elements and all classes
        # Same thing for some base models
        # Correction in case where we detect a shape of length > 2 (ie. equals to 3)
        # Reminder : we do not manage multi-labels/multi-classes
        if len(probas.shape) > 2:
            probas = np.swapaxes(probas[:, :, 1], 0, 1)
        return probas

    def save(self, json_data: Union[dict, None] = None) -> None:
        '''Saves the model

            json_data (dict): Additional configurations to be saved
        # Save model
        if json_data is None:
            json_data = {}

        json_data['librairie'] = 'scikit-learn'

        # Add each pipeline steps' conf
        if self.pipeline is not None:
            for step in self.pipeline.steps:
                name = step[0]
                confs = step[1].get_params()
                # Get rid of some non serializable conf
                for special_conf in ['dtype', 'base_estimator', 'estimator', 'estimator__base_estimator',
                                     'estimator__estimator', 'estimator__estimator__base_estimator']:
                    if special_conf in confs.keys():
                        confs[special_conf] = str(confs[special_conf])
                json_data[f'{name}_confs'] = confs

        # Save

        # Save model standalone if wanted & pipeline is not None & level_save > 'LOW'
        if self.pipeline is not None and self.level_save in ['MEDIUM', 'HIGH']:
            pkl_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "sklearn_pipeline_standalone.pkl")
            # Save model
            with open(pkl_path, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.pipeline, f)

    def reload_from_standalone(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        '''Reloads a model from its configuration and "standalones" files
        - /!\\ Needs to be overridden /!\\ -
        raise NotImplementedError("'reload_from_standalone' needs to be overridden")

__init__(pipeline=None, **kwargs)

Class initialization (see ModelClass for more arguments)


pipeline (Pipeline): Pipeline to use

Source code in template_num/models_training/
def __init__(self, pipeline: Union[Pipeline, None] = None, **kwargs) -> None:
    '''Class initialization (see ModelClass for more arguments)

        pipeline (Pipeline): Pipeline to use
    # Init.

    # Get logger (must be done after super init)
    self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # Manage model (to implement for children class)
    self.pipeline = pipeline

fit(x_train, y_train, **kwargs)

Trains the model **kwargs permits compatibility with Keras model Args: x_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] y_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_targets] Raises: RuntimeError: If the model is already fitted ValueError: If the type of model is not classifier or regressor

Source code in template_num/models_training/
def fit(self, x_train, y_train, **kwargs) -> None:
    '''Trains the model
       **kwargs permits compatibility with Keras model
        x_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        y_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
        RuntimeError: If the model is already fitted
        ValueError: If the type of model is not classifier or regressor
    if self.trained:
        self.logger.error("We can't train again a pipeline sklearn model")
        self.logger.error("Please train a new model")
        raise RuntimeError("We can't train again a pipeline sklearn model")

    # We check input format
    x_train, y_train = self._check_input_format(x_train, y_train, fit_function=True)

    if self.model_type == 'classifier':
        self._fit_classifier(x_train, y_train, **kwargs)
    elif self.model_type == 'regressor':
        self._fit_regressor(x_train, y_train, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError(f"The model type ({self.model_type}) must be 'classifier' or 'regressor'")

predict(x_test, return_proba=False, **kwargs)

Predictions on test set


Name Type Description Default
x_test DataFrame

DataFrame with the test data to be predicted


Kwargs: return_proba (bool): If the function should return the probabilities instead of the classes (Keras compatibility) Raises: ValueError: If the model is not classifier and return_proba=True Returns: (np.ndarray): Array # If not return_proba, shape = [n_samples,] or [n_samples, n_classes] # Else, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]

Source code in template_num/models_training/
def predict(self, x_test: pd.DataFrame, return_proba: bool = False, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
    '''Predictions on test set

        x_test (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the test data to be predicted
        return_proba (bool): If the function should return the probabilities instead of the classes (Keras compatibility)
        ValueError: If the model is not classifier and return_proba=True
        (np.ndarray): Array
            # If not return_proba, shape = [n_samples,] or [n_samples, n_classes]
            # Else, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]
    # Manage errors
    if return_proba is True and self.model_type != 'classifier':
        raise ValueError(f"Models of the type {self.model_type} can't handle probabilities")

    # We check input format
    x_test, _ = self._check_input_format(x_test)

    if not return_proba:
        return np.array(self.pipeline.predict(x_test))
        return self.predict_proba(x_test)

predict_proba(x_test, **kwargs)

Predicts the probabilities on the test set - Classifier only


Name Type Description Default
x_test DataFrame

Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]


Raises: ValueError: If model not classifier Returns: (np.ndarray): Array, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]

Source code in template_num/models_training/
def predict_proba(self, x_test: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
    '''Predicts the probabilities on the test set - Classifier only

        x_test (pd.DataFrame): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        ValueError: If model not classifier
        (np.ndarray): Array, shape = [n_samples, n_classes]
    if self.model_type != 'classifier':
        raise ValueError(f"Models of type {self.model_type} do not implement the method predict_proba")

    # We check input format
    x_test, _ = self._check_input_format(x_test)

    probas = np.array(self.pipeline.predict_proba(x_test))
    # Very specific fix: in some cases, with OvR, strategy, all estimators return 0, which generates a division per 0 when normalizing
    # Hence, we replace NaNs with 1 / nb_classes
    if not np.isnan(probas).any():
        probas = np.nan_to_num(probas, nan=1/len(self.list_classes))

    # If use of MultiOutputClassifier ->  returns probabilities of 0 and 1 for all elements and all classes
    # Same thing for some base models
    # Correction in case where we detect a shape of length > 2 (ie. equals to 3)
    # Reminder : we do not manage multi-labels/multi-classes
    if len(probas.shape) > 2:
        probas = np.swapaxes(probas[:, :, 1], 0, 1)
    return probas


Reloads a model from its configuration and "standalones" files - /! Needs to be overridden /! -

Source code in template_num/models_training/
def reload_from_standalone(self, **kwargs) -> None:
    '''Reloads a model from its configuration and "standalones" files
    - /!\\ Needs to be overridden /!\\ -
    raise NotImplementedError("'reload_from_standalone' needs to be overridden")


Saves the model


json_data (dict): Additional configurations to be saved

Source code in template_num/models_training/
def save(self, json_data: Union[dict, None] = None) -> None:
    '''Saves the model

        json_data (dict): Additional configurations to be saved
    # Save model
    if json_data is None:
        json_data = {}

    json_data['librairie'] = 'scikit-learn'

    # Add each pipeline steps' conf
    if self.pipeline is not None:
        for step in self.pipeline.steps:
            name = step[0]
            confs = step[1].get_params()
            # Get rid of some non serializable conf
            for special_conf in ['dtype', 'base_estimator', 'estimator', 'estimator__base_estimator',
                                 'estimator__estimator', 'estimator__estimator__base_estimator']:
                if special_conf in confs.keys():
                    confs[special_conf] = str(confs[special_conf])
            json_data[f'{name}_confs'] = confs

    # Save

    # Save model standalone if wanted & pipeline is not None & level_save > 'LOW'
    if self.pipeline is not None and self.level_save in ['MEDIUM', 'HIGH']:
        pkl_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "sklearn_pipeline_standalone.pkl")
        # Save model
        with open(pkl_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.pipeline, f)