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Model embedding lstm structured attention


Bases: ModelKeras

Model for predictions via embedding + LSTM + structured attention -> useful to get predictions explanation. Based on Gaëlle JOUIS Thesis. Work in progress.

Source code in template_nlp/models_training/models_tensorflow/
class ModelEmbeddingLstmStructuredAttention(ModelKeras):
    '''Model for predictions via embedding + LSTM + structured attention -> useful to get predictions explanation.
    Based on Gaëlle JOUIS Thesis.
    Work in progress.

    _default_name = 'model_embedding_lstm_structured_attention'

    def __init__(self, max_sequence_length: int = 200, max_words: int = 100000,
                 padding: str = 'pre', truncating: str = 'post', oov_token: str = "oovt",
                 tokenizer_filters: str = "’!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n\r\'\"", **kwargs) -> None:
        '''Initialization of the class (see ModelClass & ModelKeras for more arguments)

            max_sequence_length (int): Maximum number of words per sequence (ie. sentences)
            max_words (int): Maximum number of words for tokenization
            padding (str): Padding (add zeros) at the beginning ('pre') or at the end ('post') of the sequences
            truncating (str): Truncating the beginning ('pre') or the end ('post') of the sequences (if superior to max_sequence_length)
            oov_token (str): Out Of Vocabulary token (to be used with the Tokenizer)
            tokenizer_filters (str): Filter to use by the tokenizer
            ValueError: If the object padding is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])
            ValueError: If the object truncating is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])
        if padding not in ['pre', 'post']:
            raise ValueError(f"The object padding ({padding}) is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])")
        if truncating not in ['pre', 'post']:
            raise ValueError(f"The object truncating ({truncating}) is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])")
        # Init.

        # Get logger (must be done after super init)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length
        self.max_words = max_words
        self.padding = padding
        self.truncating = truncating
        self.oov_token = oov_token

        # Tokenizer set on fit
        self.tokenizer: Any = None
        self.tokenizer_filters = tokenizer_filters

    def _prepare_x_train(self, x_train) -> np.ndarray:
        '''Prepares the input data for the model. Called when fitting the model

            x_train (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            (np.ndarray): Prepared data
        # Get tokenizer & fit on train
        self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=self.max_words, filters=self.tokenizer_filters, oov_token=self.oov_token)'Fitting the tokenizer')
        return self._get_sequence(x_train, self.tokenizer, self.max_sequence_length, padding=self.padding, truncating=self.truncating)

    def _prepare_x_test(self, x_test, max_sequence_length: int = 0) -> Any:
        '''Prepares the input data for the model. Called when fitting the model

            x_test (?): Array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            max_sequence_length (int): Maximum number of words per sequence (ie. sentences)
                Default to self.max_sequence_length.
                Useful only with explanations.
                We don't use 'None' as it is a particular usage for _get_sequence.
                Hence we backup on default value if max_sequence_length is 0.
            (np.ndarray): Prepared data
        if max_sequence_length == 0:
            max_sequence_length = self.max_sequence_length
        # Get sequences on test (already fitted on train)
        return self._get_sequence(x_test, self.tokenizer, max_sequence_length, padding=self.padding, truncating=self.truncating)

    def _get_model(self, custom_tokenizer=None) -> Any:
        '''Gets a model structure - returns the instance model instead if already defined

            custom_tokenizer (?): Tokenizer (if different from the one of the class). Permits to manage "new embeddings"
            (Model): a Keras model
        # Return model if already set
        if self.model is not None:
            return self.model

        # Get parameters
        lstm_units = self.keras_params['lstm_units'] if 'lstm_units' in self.keras_params.keys() else 50  # u = 50 in the GIT implementation, 300 in the paper (YELP)
        dense_size = self.keras_params['dense_size'] if 'dense_size' in self.keras_params.keys() else 300  # d_a = 100 in the GIT implementation, 350 in the paper (YELP)
        attention_hops = self.keras_params['attention_hops'] if 'attention_hops' in self.keras_params.keys() else 1  # r = 10 in the GIT implementation, 30 in the paper (YELP)
        lr = self.keras_params['lr'] if 'lr' in self.keras_params.keys() else 0.01

        # Start by getting embedding matrix
        if custom_tokenizer is not None:
            embedding_matrix, embedding_size = self._get_embedding_matrix(custom_tokenizer)
            embedding_matrix, embedding_size = self._get_embedding_matrix(self.tokenizer)

        # Get input dim
        input_dim = embedding_matrix.shape[0]

        # Get model
        num_classes = len(self.list_classes)

        # Get random_state
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed)
        limit = int(1e9)

        # Process
        words = Input(shape=(self.max_sequence_length,))
        x = Embedding(input_dim, embedding_size, weights=[embedding_matrix], trainable=False)(words)
        h = Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm_units, return_sequences=True, kernel_initializer=GlorotUniform(random_state.randint(limit)), 
        x = Dense(dense_size, activation='tanh', kernel_initializer=GlorotUniform(random_state.randint(limit)))(h)  # tanh(W_{S1}*H^T) , H^T = x (LSTM output), dim = d_a*2u
        a = Dense(attention_hops, kernel_initializer=GlorotUniform(random_state.randint(limit)))(x)  # softmax(W_{s2}*X) = A
        a_with_activation = Softmax(axis=1)(a)
        at = tf.transpose(a_with_activation, perm=[0, 2, 1], name="attention_layer")  # At, used in Kaushalshetty project, output dim = (r,n)
        # Trick to name the attention layer (does not work with TensorFlow layers)
        at_identity = Lambda(lambda x: x, name="attention_layer")(at)
        m = at_identity @ h  # M = AH
        x = AttentionAverage(attention_hops)(m)

        # Last layer
        activation = 'sigmoid' if self.multi_label else 'softmax'
        out = Dense(num_classes, activation=activation, kernel_initializer=GlorotUniform(random_state.randint(limit)))(x)

        # Compile model
        model = Model(inputs=words, outputs=[out])
        optimizer = Adam(lr=lr)
        # optimizer = SGD(lr=0.06, clipnorm=0.5)  # paper: 0.06 YELP
        loss = utils_deep_keras.f1_loss if self.multi_label else 'categorical_crossentropy'
        metrics: List[Union[str, Callable]] = ['accuracy'] if not self.multi_label else ['categorical_accuracy', 'categorical_crossentropy', utils_deep_keras.f1, utils_deep_keras.precision, utils_deep_keras.recall, utils_deep_keras.f1_loss]
        model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=metrics)
        if self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() < logging.ERROR:

        # Try to save model as png if level_save > 'LOW'
        if self.level_save in ['MEDIUM', 'HIGH']:

        # Return
        return model

    def explain(self, x_test, attention_threshold: float = 0.15, fix_index: bool = False) -> list:
        '''Predictions on test set, with all attentions weights
        -> explanations on preprocessed words

        This function returns a list of dictionnaries:
                index: (word, value)
            - index: word index in the sequence (after tokenization & padding)
            - word: the corresponding word after preprocessing
            - value: the attention value for this word

        Precision: if fix_index is set to True, the output indexes correspond to the word index in the preprocessed sentence (and not in the sequence)

            x_test (?): Array-like or sparse matrix, shape = [n_samples]
                WARNING : sentences must be preprocessed here
            attention_threshold (float): Minimum attention threshold
            fix_index (bool): If we have to fix sequences index to get word indexes in the preprocessed sentence
            list: List of dictionnaries (one entry per sentence) with matched words (i.e. attention > threshold)
        # Cast en pd.Series
        x_test = pd.Series(x_test)

        # Prepare input
        x_test_prep = self._prepare_x_test(x_test)

        # Retrieve attention scores
        intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=self.model.input, outputs=self.model.get_layer('attention_layer').output)  # type: ignore
        intermediate_output = intermediate_layer_model(x_test_prep)

        # Retrieve (word, attention) tuples
        intermediate_output_reshaped = tf.squeeze(intermediate_output)
        # Manage cases where x_test has only one element
        if len(intermediate_output_reshaped.shape) == 1:
            intermediate_output_reshaped = tf.expand_dims(intermediate_output_reshaped, axis=0)
        seq_q_attention = tf.stack([x_test_prep, intermediate_output_reshaped], axis=1)
        seq_q_attention = tf.transpose(seq_q_attention, [0, 2, 1])
        seq_q_attention = seq_q_attention.numpy()
        text_w_attention = [[(self.tokenizer.sequences_to_texts([[y[0]]]), y[1])  # type: ignore
                             if y[0] != 0 else ("<PAD>", y[1]) for y in entry]
                            for entry in seq_q_attention]
        # Filter words with low attention score
        selected_words = [{index: (tup[0][0], tup[1]) for index, tup in enumerate(entry) if tup[0] != '<PAD>' and tup[1] >= attention_threshold} for entry in text_w_attention]

        # If wanted, fix indexes
        if fix_index:
            # Process sentence per sentence
            for i, entry in enumerate(selected_words):
                # Case 1 : padding
                # Check for padding (at least one 0)
                nb_padding = len(np.where(x_test_prep[i] == 0)[0])
                padded = True if nb_padding != 0 else False
                if self.padding == 'pre':
                    if nb_padding != 0:
                        # We shift the sequence (i.e. we remove the padding)
                        selected_words[i] = {index - nb_padding: val for index, val in entry.items()}
                    pass  # We do nothing (already in correct ordre if post padding)
                # Case 2 : truncating
                if not padded:
                    if self.truncating == 'pre':
                        # We must reapply get_sequences with max sequence length to retrieve removed words
                        x_test_full = self._prepare_x_test([x_test[i]], max_sequence_length=None)[0]  # type: ignore
                        nb_truncating = len(x_test_full) - len(x_test_prep[i])
                        if nb_truncating != 0:
                            # We shift the sequence to take truncation in account
                            selected_words[i] = {index + nb_truncating: val for index, val in entry.items()}
                        pass  # We do nothing (already in correct ordre if post truncating)

        # Returns
        return selected_words

    def _pad_text(self, text: list, pad_token: str = '<PAD>') -> list:
        '''Apply padding on a tokenized text (list)

            text (list): List of tokenized words
            pad_token (str): Default pad token
            list: List of tokenized words, with padding / truncating management
        # If there is too much words, we truncate the sequence
        if len(text) > self.max_sequence_length:
            if self.truncating == 'post':
                text = text[:self.max_sequence_length]
            else:  # pre
                text = text[-self.max_sequence_length:]
        # If there is not enough words, we pad the sequence
        elif len(text) < self.max_sequence_length:
            padding_list = [pad_token for i in range(self.max_sequence_length - len(text))]
            if self.padding == 'pre':
                text = padding_list + text
                text = text + padding_list
        # Return
        return text

    def save(self, json_data: Union[dict, None] = None) -> None:
        '''Saves the model

            json_data (dict): Additional configurations to be saved
        # Save configuration JSON
        if json_data is None:
            json_data = {}

        # Add specific data
        json_data['max_sequence_length'] = self.max_sequence_length
        json_data['max_words'] = self.max_words
        json_data['padding'] = self.padding
        json_data['truncating'] = self.truncating
        json_data['oov_token'] = self.oov_token
        json_data['tokenizer_filters'] = self.tokenizer_filters

        # Save tokenizer if not None & level_save > LOW
        if (self.tokenizer is not None) and (self.level_save in ['MEDIUM', 'HIGH']):
            # Manage paths
            tokenizer_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "embedding_tokenizer.pkl")
            # Save as pickle
            with open(tokenizer_path, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.tokenizer, f)

        # Save

    def _init_new_instance_from_configs(cls, configs):
        '''Inits a new instance from a set of configurations

            configs: a set of configurations of a model to be reloaded
            ModelClass: the newly generated class
        # Call parent
        model = super()._init_new_instance_from_configs(configs)

        # Try to read the following attributes from configs and, if absent, keep the current one
        for attribute in ['max_sequence_length', 'max_words', 'padding', 'truncating', 'oov_token', 'tokenizer_filters']:
            setattr(model, attribute, configs.get(attribute, getattr(model, attribute)))

        # Return the new model
        return model

    def _load_standalone_files(self, default_model_dir: Union[str, None] = None,  # type: ignore
                               tokenizer_path: Union[str, None] = None, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Loads standalone files for a newly created model via _init_new_instance_from_configs

            default_model_dir (str): a path to look for default file paths
                                     If None, standalone files path should all be provided
            tokenizer_path (str): Path to the tokenizer file
            ValueError: If the tokenizer file is not specified and can't be inferred
            FileNotFoundError: If the tokenizer file does not exist
        # Check if we are able to get all needed paths
        if default_model_dir is None and tokenizer_path is None:
            raise ValueError("The tokenizer file is not specified and can't be inferred")

        # Call parent
        super()._load_standalone_files(default_model_dir=default_model_dir, **kwargs)

        # Retrieve file paths
        if tokenizer_path is None:
            tokenizer_path = os.path.join(default_model_dir, "embedding_tokenizer.pkl")

        # Check paths exists
        if not os.path.isfile(tokenizer_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find tokenizer file ({tokenizer_path})")

        # Reload tokenizer
        with open(tokenizer_path, 'rb') as f:
            self.tokenizer = pickle.load(f)

__init__(max_sequence_length=200, max_words=100000, padding='pre', truncating='post', oov_token='oovt', tokenizer_filters='’!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n\r\'"', **kwargs)

Initialization of the class (see ModelClass & ModelKeras for more arguments)


max_sequence_length (int): Maximum number of words per sequence (ie. sentences) max_words (int): Maximum number of words for tokenization padding (str): Padding (add zeros) at the beginning ('pre') or at the end ('post') of the sequences truncating (str): Truncating the beginning ('pre') or the end ('post') of the sequences (if superior to max_sequence_length) oov_token (str): Out Of Vocabulary token (to be used with the Tokenizer) tokenizer_filters (str): Filter to use by the tokenizer

Raises: ValueError: If the object padding is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post']) ValueError: If the object truncating is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])

Source code in template_nlp/models_training/models_tensorflow/
def __init__(self, max_sequence_length: int = 200, max_words: int = 100000,
             padding: str = 'pre', truncating: str = 'post', oov_token: str = "oovt",
             tokenizer_filters: str = "’!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n\r\'\"", **kwargs) -> None:
    '''Initialization of the class (see ModelClass & ModelKeras for more arguments)

        max_sequence_length (int): Maximum number of words per sequence (ie. sentences)
        max_words (int): Maximum number of words for tokenization
        padding (str): Padding (add zeros) at the beginning ('pre') or at the end ('post') of the sequences
        truncating (str): Truncating the beginning ('pre') or the end ('post') of the sequences (if superior to max_sequence_length)
        oov_token (str): Out Of Vocabulary token (to be used with the Tokenizer)
        tokenizer_filters (str): Filter to use by the tokenizer
        ValueError: If the object padding is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])
        ValueError: If the object truncating is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])
    if padding not in ['pre', 'post']:
        raise ValueError(f"The object padding ({padding}) is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])")
    if truncating not in ['pre', 'post']:
        raise ValueError(f"The object truncating ({truncating}) is not a valid choice (['pre', 'post'])")
    # Init.

    # Get logger (must be done after super init)
    self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length
    self.max_words = max_words
    self.padding = padding
    self.truncating = truncating
    self.oov_token = oov_token

    # Tokenizer set on fit
    self.tokenizer: Any = None
    self.tokenizer_filters = tokenizer_filters

explain(x_test, attention_threshold=0.15, fix_index=False)

Predictions on test set, with all attentions weights -> explanations on preprocessed words

This function returns a list of dictionnaries

{ index: (word, value) }

where: - index: word index in the sequence (after tokenization & padding) - word: the corresponding word after preprocessing - value: the attention value for this word

Precision: if fix_index is set to True, the output indexes correspond to the word index in the preprocessed sentence (and not in the sequence)


Name Type Description Default
x_test ?

Array-like or sparse matrix, shape = [n_samples] WARNING : sentences must be preprocessed here


Kwargs: attention_threshold (float): Minimum attention threshold fix_index (bool): If we have to fix sequences index to get word indexes in the preprocessed sentence Returns: list: List of dictionnaries (one entry per sentence) with matched words (i.e. attention > threshold)

Source code in template_nlp/models_training/models_tensorflow/
def explain(self, x_test, attention_threshold: float = 0.15, fix_index: bool = False) -> list:
    '''Predictions on test set, with all attentions weights
    -> explanations on preprocessed words

    This function returns a list of dictionnaries:
            index: (word, value)
        - index: word index in the sequence (after tokenization & padding)
        - word: the corresponding word after preprocessing
        - value: the attention value for this word

    Precision: if fix_index is set to True, the output indexes correspond to the word index in the preprocessed sentence (and not in the sequence)

        x_test (?): Array-like or sparse matrix, shape = [n_samples]
            WARNING : sentences must be preprocessed here
        attention_threshold (float): Minimum attention threshold
        fix_index (bool): If we have to fix sequences index to get word indexes in the preprocessed sentence
        list: List of dictionnaries (one entry per sentence) with matched words (i.e. attention > threshold)
    # Cast en pd.Series
    x_test = pd.Series(x_test)

    # Prepare input
    x_test_prep = self._prepare_x_test(x_test)

    # Retrieve attention scores
    intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=self.model.input, outputs=self.model.get_layer('attention_layer').output)  # type: ignore
    intermediate_output = intermediate_layer_model(x_test_prep)

    # Retrieve (word, attention) tuples
    intermediate_output_reshaped = tf.squeeze(intermediate_output)
    # Manage cases where x_test has only one element
    if len(intermediate_output_reshaped.shape) == 1:
        intermediate_output_reshaped = tf.expand_dims(intermediate_output_reshaped, axis=0)
    seq_q_attention = tf.stack([x_test_prep, intermediate_output_reshaped], axis=1)
    seq_q_attention = tf.transpose(seq_q_attention, [0, 2, 1])
    seq_q_attention = seq_q_attention.numpy()
    text_w_attention = [[(self.tokenizer.sequences_to_texts([[y[0]]]), y[1])  # type: ignore
                         if y[0] != 0 else ("<PAD>", y[1]) for y in entry]
                        for entry in seq_q_attention]
    # Filter words with low attention score
    selected_words = [{index: (tup[0][0], tup[1]) for index, tup in enumerate(entry) if tup[0] != '<PAD>' and tup[1] >= attention_threshold} for entry in text_w_attention]

    # If wanted, fix indexes
    if fix_index:
        # Process sentence per sentence
        for i, entry in enumerate(selected_words):
            # Case 1 : padding
            # Check for padding (at least one 0)
            nb_padding = len(np.where(x_test_prep[i] == 0)[0])
            padded = True if nb_padding != 0 else False
            if self.padding == 'pre':
                if nb_padding != 0:
                    # We shift the sequence (i.e. we remove the padding)
                    selected_words[i] = {index - nb_padding: val for index, val in entry.items()}
                pass  # We do nothing (already in correct ordre if post padding)
            # Case 2 : truncating
            if not padded:
                if self.truncating == 'pre':
                    # We must reapply get_sequences with max sequence length to retrieve removed words
                    x_test_full = self._prepare_x_test([x_test[i]], max_sequence_length=None)[0]  # type: ignore
                    nb_truncating = len(x_test_full) - len(x_test_prep[i])
                    if nb_truncating != 0:
                        # We shift the sequence to take truncation in account
                        selected_words[i] = {index + nb_truncating: val for index, val in entry.items()}
                    pass  # We do nothing (already in correct ordre if post truncating)

    # Returns
    return selected_words


Saves the model


json_data (dict): Additional configurations to be saved

Source code in template_nlp/models_training/models_tensorflow/
def save(self, json_data: Union[dict, None] = None) -> None:
    '''Saves the model

        json_data (dict): Additional configurations to be saved
    # Save configuration JSON
    if json_data is None:
        json_data = {}

    # Add specific data
    json_data['max_sequence_length'] = self.max_sequence_length
    json_data['max_words'] = self.max_words
    json_data['padding'] = self.padding
    json_data['truncating'] = self.truncating
    json_data['oov_token'] = self.oov_token
    json_data['tokenizer_filters'] = self.tokenizer_filters

    # Save tokenizer if not None & level_save > LOW
    if (self.tokenizer is not None) and (self.level_save in ['MEDIUM', 'HIGH']):
        # Manage paths
        tokenizer_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "embedding_tokenizer.pkl")
        # Save as pickle
        with open(tokenizer_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.tokenizer, f)

    # Save